Directed Light President Neil Ball Presents at ICALEO 2015
The International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) has a 33 year history as the conference where researchers and end-users meet to review the state-of-the-art in laser materials processing, laser microprocessing, and nanomanufacturing as well as predict where the future will lead. From its inception, ICALEO has been devoted to the field of laser materials processing at macro, micro, and nanoscales and is viewed as the premier source of technical information in the field.
Business Dynamics: From the Lab to the Entrepreneur Taking Concepts and Converting them into a Business.
Directed Light Inc. President Neil Ball presents a short presentation on Business Dynamics: From the lab to the Entrepreneur Taking Concepts and Converting them into a Business. Directed Light is a laser technology company serving the industrial, medical and scientific laser communities worldwide since 1983. Neil joined Directed Light Inc in 1993 to assist in applications development, system design, and component/service support. In 1998 he became President of Directed Light and has led the marketing and developing sales plans for both national and international arenas.